Sunday, July 27, 2008

Finally seeing The Dark Knight...

Awesome. That's how I would describe Heath Ledger. Hot as Christian Bale is, the hero was definitely upstaged by the villain. Note that I think Christian is a great actor as anyone who watched "American Psycho" can attest to, but this was Heath's moment to shine, at least for the last time.
There was no trace of the Heath Ledger people knew behind that disturbing maniac's painted face. He made the line "Why so serious?" sound like the scariest words you'd hear right before the most violent act imaginable. It was really his best performance ever.
Some say that he internalized his evil character too much, which ended his life too soon. Maybe there's some truth to that, who knows? At any rate, he knew how to leave a mark in an industry where too many famous names come and go. Heath Ledger will always be one that film fanatics, whether it's from Batman or Brokeback Mountain, will hopefully never forget.

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